Graduated from Riga Stradina University and acquired degree of dentist. Specializes in the field of complex dental prostheses, including implant prosthodontics. The most essential part of his profession he considers supervising control at the each stage of treatment and prosthodontics.
Work with Dr. Sergey Losev since 1995. Highly adored by her patients due to her professional qualities.
In 1990 graduated from Riga Medical Institute with specialization in Stomatology. In 1995 founded NATUS clinic and became its head doctor. Regular participant of international congresses and workshops in microsurgery, osteology, periodontology, dental implantology, digital and aesthetic stomatology. Gained professional experience patiently shares with his colleagues. 25 years of clinical practice allows to help patients successfully in the most difficult and seemingly hopeless cases.
Graduated from Riga Stradina University and acquired degree of dentist. Specialize in prosthodontics, microscopic root canal treatment. Because of Dr. Borisevica gentleness and kindness, she is highly honored by her patients.
Julia Zamullo
Certified dentist. Graduated from Riga Stradiņš University faculty of dentistry in 2013. Had an internship in Germany. Specialization: aesthetic restoration of teeth (veneers/crowns); functional elevation of the bite; therapeutic dentistry; endodontics; whitening; prosthetics with CEREC technology, implantation.Our Team

Our Team

Advanced medicals, equipment and materials are a great assistance to a dentist in delivering efficient care to a patient. The treatment does not cause discomfort, since the most recent medications provide dental anaesthesia during all the treatment procedure.

Endodontic treatment in dentistry – it is the treatment of the complex root canal system of a tooth. The need for such kind of treatment comes, when complications of dental caries develop (pulpitis, periodontitis), teeth are traumatized, they are prepared for prosthetics, or after previous unsuccessful endodontic treatment.

Preventive hygiene – it is a set of measures eliminating and preventing the development of dental caries and inflammatory diseases by the means of mechanic removal of sediments from the dental surface.

The most advanced technologies for teeth prosthetics
- Non-metal ceramics
- Veneers
- Ceramics on the basis of zirconium
- Short-term plastic crowns

Implantation – it is planting in of an artificial dental crown. The construction of an implant consists of a screw installed into jawbone tissues, and it grows into them. Along with the time, an implant has integrated firmly into the bone, and the tooth can endure serious mechanical loads, thus – to participate in the chewing of food to a full extent.


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Riga, Latvija